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Yeshayahu (45) Chapter 57 Suffering with the tzibur; the death of a tzadik 01-24-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 40 min
Yeshayahu (46) Chapter 58 Haftara for Yom Kippur Morning 01-31-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min
Yeshayahu (47) Chapter 59 Even an iron wall cannot separate us from Hashem 02-07-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 44 min
Yeshayahu (48) Chapter 60 Chapter 60 - Haftara for Parshas Ki Savo 02-21-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 46 min
Yeshayahu (49) Chapters 61 and 62 Haftara for Parshas Nitzavim 02-28-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Yeshayahu (50) Chapters 63 and 64 Yitzchak Avinu; pasuk recited when seeing the churban 03-13-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 46 min
Yeshayahu (51) Chapter 65 Two groups of Jews in the time of Mashiach 03-27-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Yeshayahu (52) Chapter 66 Haftara for Rosh Chodesh 04-03-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Yirmiyahu (01) Introduction 01-06-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Yirmiyahu (02) Chapter 1 - Connecction to Rachav to Korach and to Nevuchadnetzar 01-13-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (03) Chapter 2 - Our love for Hashem at first - lack of loyalty 01-20-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Yirmiyahu (04) Chapter 2 - Burial in Eretz Yisroel - 613 mitzvos - The letter Hey prefix 01-27-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 60 min
Yirmiyahu (05) Chapter 2 - Who is the real provider 02-03-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (06) Chapter 3 - Taking Back After Divorce - The Tzitz - The Northern Kingdom 02-17-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 59 min
Yirmiyahu (07) Chapter 3 - Quick punishment - Chuldah - 10 tribes - Teshuva through Calamity 02-24-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (08) Chapter 4 - Circumcising the heart - Eating Erev Pesach - Nevuchadnetzar the lion 03-03-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Yirmiyahu (09) Chapter 4 - Avrohom, Chizkiyahu and Eliyahu and Pesach 03-17-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min
Yirmiyahu (10) Chapter 5 - Faces Harder than Stone 04-14-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (11) Chapter 6 - Ne'ila-Arlah-Children Learning Torah-False Prophets-Evil Thoughts-Story of the Righteous Woman 04-21-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (12) Chapter 25 - Yoshiyahu's death - Yehoyakim Becoming King - Seventy Years of Bavel 04-28-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 61 min
Yirmiyahu (13) Chapter 25 - 4 Cups of the Wine Steward- Hashem roars - Earthquakes 05-05-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Yirmiyahu (14) Chapter 26 - 4 Bereishis - Micha and Uriyahu - R' Akiva and the Rabbis on the Temple Mount 05-12-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 42 min
Yirmiyahu (15) Chapter 35 - 4 The descendants of Yisro 05-19-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Yirmiyahu (16) Chapter 36 - The Writing and Burning of Eichah 05-26-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 59 min
Yirmiyahu (17) Chapter 07 - The Power of Prayer - The Actual Meaning of Gehinom 06-02-21 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min