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כ״ב טבת תשפ״ה
/ Jan 22, ‘25
Sifrei Kodesh
Daf Yomi
Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo
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Ki Tavo 5771 We we need Daas Torah
Length: 32 min
Torah Media America
5771 - The Basics of Torah Reality
Balak 5771 We are losing our minds
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Bamidbar 5771 The Basics of People and Tribute to Dad
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Bechukosai 5771 The Basics of Eretz Yisrael - part 2
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Behaaloscha 5771 The Basics of Midos
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Behar 5771 The Basics of Eretz Yisrael - part 1
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Bereishis and Noach 5771 - Two Main Characters - Hashem and Man
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Beshalach 5771 The Basics of Bitachon
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Chayei Sarah 5771 - The Basic Goal
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Chukas 5771 (Rabbi Michoel Friedman)
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Emor 5771 The Basics of Kedusha - part 3
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Kedoshim 5771 The Basics of Kedusha - part 2 and Tribute to Mom
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Sisa 5771 The Basics of Teshuva
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Tavo 5771 We we need Daas Torah
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Teitzei 5771 More Daas Torah - children and sacrifice
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Korach 5771 Who is the real ME
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Lech Lecha 5771 - Focus on Hashem - with a surprise ending
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Mattos 5771 Sample Torah learning with Chochma Bina and Daas
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Metzora 5771 The Basics of Speech
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Mikeitz 5771 The Basics of Chanukah
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Mishpatim 5771 The Basics of Halacha
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Naso 5771 People - Prat (individual) and Klal (collective)
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Pikudei 5771 The Basics of the Basics
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Pinchas 5771 How our minds work - Chochma Bina and Daas
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Shemos Va-era and Bo 5771 The basics of Mitzrayim
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Shoftim 5771 Daas Torah from Rav Yaakov Weinberg
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Tetzaveh 5771 The Basics of Avodah
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Toldos 5771 - The Basic Challenge
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Tzav-Shemini 5771 The Basics of Kedusha - part 1
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayakhel 5771 The Basics of Shabbos
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayechi 5771 - Basics of Tradition
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayeira 5771 - Focus on Man
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayeishev 5771 - The Basics of Unity and Dis-unity
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayeitzei 5771 - The Basic Solution
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayigash 5771 The Basics of Miracles
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayikra 5771 The Basics of Mitzvos
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Vayishlach 5771 - The Basics of History
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Yisro 5771 The basics of Torah
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo 5764 Kuntres HaBechira - part 2
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo 5765 Bikkurim and intimacy in Emunah and Tefila
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo 5769 Anava - Bikkurim and gratitude - Rav Ezra Neuberger
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Tavo 5766
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Tavo 5767
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
KiSavo 5768 Torah Study - Its purpose and its joy
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo 5773 Principle of Faith 5 - All that we have comes from Hashem and Cultivating true gratitude and happiness
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
01 Introduction
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
02 Order of the Seder
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
03 Kiddush
- Rabbi Menashe Goldberger
Ki Savo 2008 / 5768
- Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman
Shiur 062 - Ki Savo: Haggada & Hakaras Hatov
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Savo 5768
- Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman
Ki Savo - 5767
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Ki Savo 5767 - 2007
- Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman
Parshas Ki Savo
- Rabbi Yaacov Haber
Sefer Devorim - Parshas Ki Savo 5-20-01 (analyzing The Tochacha)
- Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Sefer Devorim - Parshas Ki Savo 9-21-97
- Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Shiur 100 - Ki Savo: Haskeis U'shma
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Shiur 124 - Ki Savo: Mitzvos & Middos
- Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky