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י״א אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 11, ‘25
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Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Sanhedrin
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1811Sanhedrin2- Introducing the Jewish Judicial System
Length: 12 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Sanhedrin
1811Sanhedrin2- Introducing the Jewish Judicial System
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1812Sanhedrin3- Half damage Might be payment, but it is still unusual- Building Talmudic Skills, Rhine, Reiss pronunciations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1813Sanhedrin4- Krie Kisiv, Pronounced and Understood one way, but written differently
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1814Sanhedrin5- Semicha, Ordination, and why might it be withheld
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1815Sanhedrin6- Pishara, Compromise- What did Dovid do
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1816Sanhedrin7- Sayings, for which there is a Possuk
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1817Sanhedrin8- Role of a Leader, and of the Community
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1818Sanhedrin9- Rules and lesson from the third witness, Goodness is greater than punishment, Appointing Kiddushin witnesses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1819Sanhedrin10- We can divide the testimony, Assault and Borrowing with Ribis, Interest
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1820Sanhedrin11- Great Cover-ups, The letter Rabban Gamliel would have sent to us
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1821Sanhedrin12- Two approaches to understand Birchas Hachodesh of our time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1822Sanhedris13- Semicha, and the story of Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1823Sanhedrin14- Semicha can only be given in Eretz Yisroel, It Atones
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1824Sanhedrin15- Is Hair Like Grapes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1825Sanhedrin16- The Kohein Gadol_s Court Case
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1826Sanhedrin17- The Prophets Eldad and Meidad
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1827Sanhedrin18- Kohein Gadol says testimony for son of King, in the presence of the King
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1828Sanhedrin19- Shimon ben Shatach Confronts King Yanai
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1829Sanhedrin20- Mystery Text- In the Story of Dovid and Avner, When were the people convinced
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1830Sanhedrin21- Dovid_s Wives and Family
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1831Sanhedrin22- Honoring the King- Avishag- Divorce was not an option for Dovid, The treasured relationship of husband and wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1832Sanhedrin23- Community Appointed Judges OR Zabla Choosing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1833Sanhedrin24- Two Styles in Parenting and Scholar Interaction- Consider why Zayis-Olive is not in Perek Shira
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1834Sanhedrin25- Introduction to Gambling Prohibition, and Lotteries
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1835Sanhedrin26- Evading Arbitrary Type Taxation of Talmudic Times, Shemita Planting to Taxation, The Chizkiya Resistance to Subservience
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1836Sanhedrin27- Who is a relative, As a witness or as a judge
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1837Sanhedrin28- Can a Chasan say testimony for his Kallah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1838Sanhedrin29- The Court Case
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1839Sanhedrin30- A mistaken ruling by the court- Confidentiality of the court
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1840Sanhedrin31- Proof that was late in coming- Willpower is greater than you think
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1841Sanhedrin32- Two types of righteous resolutions, consider compromise- A Tradition Perspective
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1842Sanhedrin33- Error of an Expert
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1843Sanhedrin34- The 70 Facets of Torah- Court is in session during the day
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1844Sanhedrin35- Capital cases cannot be heard of Friday- Slow in judgment, sleep on it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1845Sanhedrin36- Unparalleled Greatness in a Generation- Moshe, Rebbi, Rav Ashi
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1846Sanhedrin37- Standby to Promotion to the Court- Even the simple Jew observes laws of Nidda
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1847Sanhedrin38- The Creation of Man
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1848Sanhedrin39- The remarkable nature of love and intimacy- A Response to Talmud Criticism
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1849Sanhedrin40- Cross-examining the Witnesses, Reassuring the Defendant
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1850Sanhedrin41- Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai is the Ben Zakai of our Mishna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1851Sanhedrin42- Discrepancy in testimony, day of the month- Kiddush Livana
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1852Sanhedrin43- Last chance to argue for innocence
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1853Sanhedrin44- Once condemned, witness retraction will not help- Story of the son of Shimon ben Shatach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1854Sanhedrin45- Unclothed is not to degrade, a true atonement- Insights into Sekila, stoning
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1855Sanhedrin46- Burial on same day
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1856Sanhedrin47- Burial Considerations- The double portion of Elisha, the loyal student of Eliyahu
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1857Sanhedrin48- Vineyard of Navos went to King Achav
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1858Sanhedrin49- Arbah Misos in our time, The murder witnessed by Shimon ben Shatach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1859Sanhedrin50- The Four Capital Punishments
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1860Sanhedrin51- Daughter of a Kohein that violated, a unique case
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1861Sanhedrin52- Sireifa as a capital punishment, related to Korach_s group and to Nadav and Avihu
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1862Sanhedrin53- Sekila Class Violations including Shabbos- The Rambam presents in a different order than the Mishna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1863Sanhedrin54- The animal is killed as well
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1864Sanhedrin55- Birchas Hashem, The Name of Hashem as written and as pronounced
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1865Sanhedrin56- Seven Nohide Laws
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1866Sanhedrin57- Abortion, and throwing a tied person to a lion
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1867Sanhedrin58- Hitting in Halacha- Child, Adult, Man, Woman, Spouse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1868Sanhedrin59- How do we teach Torah in the Geirus Program
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1869Sanhedrin60-Avodah Zorah, Four Universal Violations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1870Sanhedrin61-Avodah Zorah, When motivated by love or fear
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1871Sanhedrin62- When an Aveira is done by mistake, Is a Korban or Teshuva required
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1872Sanhedrin63- 3 Quickies on Avodah Zorah- Center of Your Orbit, Sarcasm, The Real Drive
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1873Sanhedrin64- The forbidden service of Molech
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1874Sanhedrin65- Yearning for Greatness- Sefer Yetzira, Creating Meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1875Sanhedrin66- Defining the Biya that changes Bisula status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1876Sanhedrin67- Entrapment of the seducer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1877Sanhedrin68- Supernatural Planting and Harvesting Cucumbers
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1878Sanhedrin69- How old must a person be to father a child, Achitofel, Eliom, and Bas Sheva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1879Sanhedrin70- Wine, Two Perspectives
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1880Sanhedrin71- Ben Sorer Umoreh, Parenting in Unison
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1881Sanhedrin72- Careful with the affluence- Allegiance to a mentor_s words
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1882Sanhedrin73- Killing in self defense- How does that apply to assault
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1883Sanhedrin74- The 3 Big Aveiros, and other Aveiros may depend on the motive
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1884Sanhedrin75- Dealing with a craving that he claims he can_t stop
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1885Sanhedrin76- Looks the same, but not recommended as compatible
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1886Sanhedrin77- Murder, with an escape- Is he liable
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1887Sanhedrin78- A death blow, followed by recovery and relapse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1888Sanhedrin79- Was meaning to kill someone else
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1889Sanhedrin80- When they issue the warning, do the witnesses have to specify which penalty the violator will get
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1890Sanhedrin81- Two capital offenses, separately and in one act
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1891Sanhedrin82- Unconventional capital punishment- Murder and the Pinchas-Zimri incident
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1892Sanhedrin83- Misah Biydei Shomayim- Capital Crimes Judged By Heaven
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1893Sanhedrin84- Striking a Parent- Can Son Be Father_s Doctor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1894Sanhedrin85- Hitting, Cursing, Kidnapping
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1895Sanhedrin86- Zakein Mamrei- The Elder Who Argues
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1896Sanhedrin87- What did Zakein Mamreh argue about- Kiruv Perspectives and the Tinok Shenishba
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1897Sanhedrin88- Akavya ben Mihalalel is within the framework of Torah dissent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1898Sanhedrin89- Novi Sheker, False Prophet
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1899Sanhedrin90- Techiyas Hameisim, The Resurrection
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1900Sanhedrin91- Geviha ben Pisisa as National Lawyer, Wages for 600,000 Workers- Techiyas Hameisim Revisited
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1901Sanhedrin92- Blessings on the one who yearns to spread his wisdom and wealth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1902Sanhedrin93- Lessons of Nevuchadnetzar Showdown with Chananya Mishoel and Azarya- Ayin Horah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1903Sanhedrin94- Chizkiya_s Potential to be Moshiach Wasn_t Realized
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1904Sanhedrin95- Sancherev Delays and Yerusholayim is Saved- Unfinished Business of Nov
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1905Sanhedrin96- The Four Paces of Nevuchadnetzar- The Avos are Compared to Horses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1906Sanhedrin97- To Wait for Moshiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1907Sanhedrin98- A Conversation with Moshiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1908Sanhedrin99- Enabling a Talmid Chochom, Reviewing Torah to Truly Acquire and Enjoy Torah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1909Sanhedrin100- Rabbis and Baalei Batim, Are we on the same team
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1910Sanhedrin101- Suffering, The Change to Shabbos Delicacies, Rabbi Akiva_s Perspective on End of Life
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1911Sanhedrin102- Yerovom, Yeyhu, and the Golden Calf Mistake
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1912Sanhedrin103- The Teshuva of Menashe, How did Rabbi Shimon ben Yochoie Understand the Possuk
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1913Sanhedrin104- The Power of Hospitality
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1914Sanhedrin105- Can these 6 also have a share in Olam Haboh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1915Sanhedrin106- Bilaam, Iyov, and Yisro
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1916Sanhedrin107- The Request for a Test, The Story of Dovid and Bas Sheva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1917Sanhedrin108- Conversations between Eliezer and Shem son of Noach, Nochum Ish Gam Zu- Avraham_s inspiration to devote himself to Chesed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1918Sanhedrin109- The Wicked Wisdom of Sedom
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1919Sanhedrin110- The Wisdom of Women, Good and Bad
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1920Sanhedrin111- When does a child get a share in the world to come- The Power of Omein- Miscarriage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1921Sanhedrin112- A Dweller or a Member, of the City- Ir Hanidachas, Taxation, Vows, Tzedaka, Mezuzah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1922Sanhedrin113- The Curse Against Rebuilding Yericho and the Drought that Eliyahu Enforced
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1812Sanhedrin3- Half damage Might be payment, but it is still unusual- Building Talmudic Skills, Rhine, Reiss pronunciations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1813Sanhedrin4- Krie Kisiv, Pronounced and Understood one way, but written differently
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1814Sanhedrin5- Semicha, Ordination, and why might it be withheld
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1815Sanhedrin6- Pishara, Compromise- What did Dovid do
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1816Sanhedrin7- Sayings, for which there is a Possuk
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1817Sanhedrin8- Role of a Leader, and of the Community
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1818Sanhedrin9- Rules and lesson from the third witness, Goodness is greater than punishment, Appointing Kiddushin witnesses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1819Sanhedrin10- We can divide the testimony, Assault and Borrowing with Ribis, Interest
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1820Sanhedrin11- Great Cover-ups, The letter Rabban Gamliel would have sent to us
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1821Sanhedrin12- Two approaches to understand Birchas Hachodesh of our time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Sanhedrin 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sanhedrin 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman