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ח׳ אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 8, ‘25
Shabbos Zachor
Sifrei Kodesh
Daf Yomi
Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Zevachim
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2144Zevachim64- The Bird Chatas, don_t detach the head
Length: 9 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Zevachim
2082Zevachim2- When the Shechita was with the wrong intent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2083Zevachim3- Neutral Intent, Korbanos or Gittin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2084Zevachim4- Introducing the Four Critical Steps- Shechita, Receiving, Walking, Sprinkling
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2085Zevachim5- Reish Lakish on his stomach- The Korban that started for a vow obligation, becomes a donation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2086Zevachim6- Can we include a violation that happened after designation, but before Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2087Zevachim7- A mistake in the source of obligation of the Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2088Zavachim8- Korban Pesach at the wrong time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2089Zavachim9- Chatas brought for the wrong Chet
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2090Zavachim10- The intent during Shechita for Zerika will invalidate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2091Zevachim11- A deviation was made in a Korban Pesach on the morning of Erev Pesach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2092Zevachim12- A Korban that was temporarily ineligible- Can it now be brought
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2093Zevachim13- The Talmud objects to Rabbi Tarfon_s expression
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2094Zevachim14- What constitutes Holacha, Walking- Sometimes it was necessary
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2095Zevachim15- Can a Kohein walk it again, correctly
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2096Zevachim16- Laws of an Onein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2097Zevachim17- Special Garments for the Kohanim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2098Zevachim18- Quick-fix tailoring in the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2099Zevachim19- Would Kohanim wear Teffilin during the Avodah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2100Zevachim20- When would the Kohein have to wash again
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2101Zevachim21- The Kiyor needs water for four people- How do you count to four
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2102Zevachim22- The Kohein who did not have Milah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2103Zevachim23- How much leaning might still be considered standing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2104Zevachim24- Standing on something other than the floor of the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2105Zevachim25- To conduit the water- For Mikva and for the Parah Aduma water
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2106Zevachim26- Where should the blood be applied- What happens if a mistake was made
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2107Zevachim27- The Tale of the Tail- A difference between a sheep and a goat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2108Zevachim28- Three perspectives on the hide of the tail
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2109Zevachim29- It will only be Pigul if it was Kosher in every other way
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2110Zevachim30- The attempt to make a Temura-hybrid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2111Zevachim31- Do 2 half Kizeisim add up- The Mizbeiach eats slower
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2112Zevachim32- Can a woman be a Shocheit
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2113Zevachim33-In the case of Metzora, the animal was walked after Semicha, before Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2114Zevachim34- Non-Kosher on the Mizbeiach, and the Story of Chanukah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2115Zevachim35- Thoughts in the parts of the Korban that are not regarded as normal food
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2116Zevachim36- Thoughts of deviation, other than out of time and place
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2117Zevachim37- What do we learn from a missing Vuv
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2118Zevachim38- What do we learn from a missing Vuv by Succah- Leniency of Beis Hillel B
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2119Zevachim39- The inner blood service is entirely required
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2120Zevachim40- The 7 of Yom Kippur, Chatas Pinim, Porah Aduma, and Metzora
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2121Zevachim41- Contrasting the Korban of the Kohein Gadol and that of the congregation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2122Zevachim42- Pigul, eating something that became permitted by something else- Frankincence
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2123Zevachim43- More cases that Pigul does not apply
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2124Zevachim44- Pigul in the same place- Why do we study Kodashim nowadays if we do not have a Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2125Zevachim45- Non-Jew_s Korban, Outside the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2126Zevachim46- Will the owner_s thoughts impact the Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2127Zevachim47- Eizehu Mikoman, The first Mishna of this universal chapter
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2128Zevachim48- Place to Shecht the Sheep Olah, the Bull Olah, and the Chatas- Chatas with some Olah Perspective
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2129Zevachim49- Although the Oshom of the Metzora is unique, it still needs North like the Olah and Chatas
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2130Zevachim50- Can you derive a law from that which was derived- Comparison, Word Similarity, Kal V_Chomer, Precedent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2131Zevachim51- Not to skip over a Mitzvah, when there is one Mitzvah or when there are two
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2132Zevachim52- The Chatas Blood Application
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2133Zevachim53- The Olah Blood Application- Southeast did not have the Yesod Protrusion
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2134Zevachim54- The Oshom Blood Application- Shifcha Charufa
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2135Zevachim55- Todah and Shilamim, place and time to eat them
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2136Zevachim56- Bichor, Maaser, Pesach- Three ways to answer a question- Style, Halacha, Lomdus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2137Zevachim57- Until when can the Korban Pesach be eaten, Why is there no safeguard for day mitzvos, Noon
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2138Zevachim58- Can he Shecht on top of the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2139Zevachim59- The Mizbeiach has to be intact at the time of Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2140Zevachim60- The Blemished Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2141Zevachim61- The Mizbeichos and their fires
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2142Zevachim62- Talk of Torah, and part of the successful journey to understanding
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2143Zevachim63- Mincha and Bird Chatas- The Southwest Corner of the Mizbeiach was a busy place, especially when the Southeast Corner was busy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2144Zevachim64- The Bird Chatas, don_t detach the head
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2145Zevachim65- The Bird Olah- Head, digestive tract, body- Role of crop and gizzard
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2146Zevachim66- Differences between the Chatas Bird and the Olah Bird
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2147Zevachim67- The bird Olah that was processsed as a bird Chatas, Does it have Mieila laws
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2148Zevachim68- Even if Shechita doesn_t help for Kosher, it may help to avoid Niveila and its Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2149Zevachim69- Will Melika accomplish what Shechita did, to avoid Neveila and its Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2150Zevachim70- What to do with an invalid Korban, that got mixed with regular animals
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2151Zevachim71- Solution if Korban animals mixed with regular
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2152Zevachim72- Why can_t the animal be nullified and all permitted- Fenugreek, Steak, and products that are counted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2153Zevachim73- Summary of significant items that will not be nullified, Birya, Chaticha, Baalei Chayim, Counted items- Eggs and Bagels
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2154Zevachim74- Types of Tireifa that cannot (easily) be detected- Clawed by a wolf, does that refer to infection
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2155Zevachim75- Oshom mixed with Shilomim, live or after Shechita- Not to lose a leniency
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2156Zevachim76- Limiting by time or place, the consumption of that which is holy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2157Zevachim77- Is he just adding fuel to the fire- A word about reference notes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2158Zevachim78- Will something nullified, reawaken when increased
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2159Zevachim79- The Hillel Sandwich of the Pesach Seder
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2160Zevachim80- If I redo the mitzva because I am unsure, is that Bal Tosif
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2161Zevachim81- Blood of inner and outer mixed, Can it be processed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2162Zevachim82- Chatas Blood that went out, or went in
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2163Zevachim83- Once it goes up on the Mizbeiach, it isn_t removed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2164Zevachim84- Reading between the lines to really understand the exemption categories
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2165Zevachim85- What goes up on the Mizbeiach, sometimes must come down
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2166Zevachim86- Partially burnt gets returned to the Mizbeiach, before or after Chatzos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2167Zevachim87- Air Space of the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2168Zevachim88- The Atonement of Kohein Gadol_s Garments
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2169Zevachim89- Todir and less frequent, questions
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2170Zevachim90- Todir and holier, even the bracha on wine is holier on Shabbos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2171Zevachim91- Rebbi Shimon explains the oil
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2172Zevachim92- The blood stain of the Chatas must be washed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2173Zevachim93- Blood that was eligible to atone, Seed that was eligible
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2174Zevachim94- How to bring the item that became Tomey back into the Beis Hamikdash to be washed or Kashered
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2175Zevachim95- The baker_s bread oven that was greased with animal fat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2176Zevachim96- Rabbi Tarfon holds that we relax the rules of purging the pots in the Beis Hamikdash during the festival
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2177Zevachim97- When strict and lenient mix, nullified or not- Different ways to answer a question
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2178Zevachim98- If he can_t eat Kodashim now, he won_t eat Kodashim later
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2179Zevachim99- Able to eat, is included in division to eat- Kohein Gadol Onein, Baal Mum Tomey, Tomey in Korban Tzibbur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2180Zevachim100- Laws on Onein- Teffilin on day of burial that isn_t day of passing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2181Zevachim101- Would Moshe be available to eat the meat as a Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2182Zevachim102- The five joys of Elisheva- Anger makes an impact- Honoring or dishonoring Paroh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2183Zevachim103- When do the Kohanim get the hide of the animal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2184Zevachim104- Two places to burn besides the Mizbeiach- Sabol, a porter- Savlan, a patient person
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2185Zevachim105- The Korban as it exits the Azarah, Will the minority be pulled with the majority
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2186Zevachim106- Not to bring Korbanos outside the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2187Zevachim107- Can we bring korbanos today
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2188Zevachim108- How Kosher must it be to be the violation of Korban outside the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2189Zevachim109- Rules of Kodashim Bachutz
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2190Zevachim110- How does the partnership of Kometz and Livona work
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2191Zevachim111- The Shechita outside is like Melika inside
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2192Zevochim 112- Animals that can_t be Korbanos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2193Zevachim113- The Mabul and the uniqueness of Yerusholayim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2194Zevachim114- Improper business transacted with a Korban fetus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2195Zevachim115- Watch what you look at- Reacting to tragedy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2196Zevachim116- What did Yisro hear that made him join the Jewish people
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2197Zevachim117- When was the Bama, private altar, relevant
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2198Zevachim118- How long did the Mishkan-Beis Hamikdash stand
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2199Zevachim119- How could Manoach bring a Korban outside Mishkan Shiloh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2200Zevachim120- The Prohibitions of Bamah- Can a Korban be brought at night
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2082Zevachim2- When the Shechita was with the wrong intent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2083Zevachim3- Neutral Intent, Korbanos or Gittin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2084Zevachim4- Introducing the Four Critical Steps- Shechita, Receiving, Walking, Sprinkling
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2085Zevachim5- Reish Lakish on his stomach- The Korban that started for a vow obligation, becomes a donation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2086Zevachim6- Can we include a violation that happened after designation, but before Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2087Zevachim7- A mistake in the source of obligation of the Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2088Zavachim8- Korban Pesach at the wrong time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2089Zavachim9- Chatas brought for the wrong Chet
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2090Zavachim10- The intent during Shechita for Zerika will invalidate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2091Zevachim11- A deviation was made in a Korban Pesach on the morning of Erev Pesach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Zevachim 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Zevachim 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman