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י״א אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 11, ‘25
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Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Chulin
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2402Chullin94- Gineivas Daas, giving an unjustified impression
Length: 9 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Chulin
2310Chullin2- Who can Shecht, how long a knife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2311Chullin3- The struggling Jew, How bad is his craving, How strong is his desire to do it right
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2312Chullin4- How could Yehoshafat eat from Achav_s meat, Part 1
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2313Chullin5- How could Yehoshafat eat from Achav_s meat, Part 2
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2314Chullin6- Rabbi Meir ruled about Kusim- Rabbi Meir ate in Beis Shian without tithing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2315Chullin7- Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair doesn_t want to be hosted- All is in Hashem_s control
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2316Chullin8- The sides of a recently Kashered knife- The knife from Avoda Zora- How hot is hot of Yad Soledes Bo
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2317Chullin9- Advice to a young Rabbi, How can I be of service
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2318Chullin10- I thought the knife was good, but now it has a nick
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2319Chullin11- Rov-Majority, and Chazaka-Retaining Status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2320Chullin12- Shechita does not require Shechita or intent, but monkey or robot would not be Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2321Chullin13- Not likely that he really meant it as idol worship, so it is permitted in benefit
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2322Chullin14- Can a Shechita done on Shabbos be valid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2323Chullin15- The hand sickle has a good side and a bad side- The reed was detached, but is now attached
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2324Chullin16- Considering a bicycle generated Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2325Chullin17- Checking the Knife for Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2326Chullin18- Rav and Shmuel held that only the top ring was the place for Kosher Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2327Chullin19- Contrasting Shechita and Melika- May one do Shechita from the side
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2328Chullin20- The severed neckbone, and the brain-death debate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2329Chullin21- The neck-bone injury of Eli, brain-death discussions
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2330Chullin22- Differences between the dove and turtledove- The color yellow
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2331Chullin23- What is the status of Palgas, the male sheep in its 13th month- Kushya is not the same as Tiyuvta
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2332Chullin24- The 3 to 5 year plan for success
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2333Chullin25- Differences in Tumah between earthenware, metal, and wood
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2334Chullin26- Are these age brackets of a woman mutually exclusive, or is there overlap
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2335Chullin27- Shechita Basics, how much should be cut by an animal or by a bird
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2336Chullin28- Rabbi Yehuda requires that the Veridin be cut at the time of Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2337Chullin29- The entire process of Shechita must be Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2338Chullin30- The method of cutting for Shechita requires a certain type of knife, and a certain length
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2339Chullin31- Shechita needs your strength, but can be Kosher without intent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2340Chullin32- Shehiya, a delay in the Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2341Chullin33- When would unwashed hands make a difference by Chullin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2342Chullin34- A person in level 3 can touch but not eat, part one
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2343Chullin35- A person in level 3 can touch but not eat, part two
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2344Chullin36- The endearment of Kodesh makes it susceptible to Tumah even though it never got wet, but how far does that go
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2345Chullin37- Come quickly and Shecht because the animal is dying, Is that Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2346Chullin38- The intent of the Shochet is what matters, even the owner_s intent will not ruin it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2347Chullin39- Pigul is intent from Shechita to what will be done by Zerika, Does that apply by Lishma of Kodshim or Avoda Zora intent by Chullin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2348Chullin40- Avoda Zora is detached
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2349Chullin41- Because it looked like idol worship activity
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2350Chullin42- Introduction to Tereifos and the man whose life was saved
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2351Chullin43- Veshet- Food Pipe rules and considerations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2352Chullin44- Turvatz Haveshet- The courtyard of the Veshet, esophagus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2353Chullin45- At what point does the brain end, consider the occipital condyles
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2354Chullin46- Tereifa Considerations in the Liver and Lung
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2355Chullin47- The five upper lobes of the lung, positioning and perspective are critical
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2356Chullin48- A needle that was found in a lung
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2357Chullin49- intersection of Cheilev and Tireifos, the Kosher fat type can seal a puncture- Shulchan Aruch 46,1
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2358Chullin50- The fat of the Keiva bowstring is forbidden, but is accepted as a sealant
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2359Chullin51- An animal knows how far it can jump safely
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2360Chullin52- The Keres, Rumen, part if the stomach, and the meat that covers it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2361Chullin53- Dirusa, Clawed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2362Chullin54- What happens in Hilchos Treifos if there is a change in the ailments that cause death
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2363Chullin55- The spleen and kidneys, damaged or missing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2364Chullin56- Treifos by a bird
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2365Chullin57- Therapies and field work at the ant hill
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2366Chullin58- The Sofeik Tireifa bird that laid a second clutch of eggs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2367Chullin59- Signs of a Kosher animal, bird, and fish
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2368Chullin60- The religious perspective difference between us and the Caesar
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2369Chullin61- Is the Nesher really the Eagle
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2370Chullin62- Used water, for Porah Aduma process, for handwashing before eating bread
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2371Chullin63- The Sholoch bird has its mission- The ant has food in abundance
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2372Chullin64- Signs of a Kosher egg- Interfacing well with experts of other wisdom
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2373Chullin65- Criteria of Kosher Birds and the Zarzir, judged by association
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2374Chullin66- The unique Torah text of grasshoppers- Fins and Scales, to glorify Torah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2375Chullin67- Did the insect crawl yet, revisting copepods
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2376Chullin68- The fetus that stuck out a limb or its head
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2377Chullin69- Introduction to Bechor Biheima, firstborn animals- The case of an animal_s difficult firstborn labor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2378Chullin70- To be the firstborn of a mother that is not its own
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2379Chullin71- Long term effects of hanging out- The unique law of clothing worn into a house afflicted with Tzaraas
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2380Chullin72- Even if Shechita can_t make it Kosher, it may still save it from being Niveila
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2381Chullin73- The Chachomim explain why the limb outside the mother is not a Niveila
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2382Chullin74- Introducing Ben Pikuah, the animal that had Shichita through its mother, and lives
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2383Chullin75- In some case that is unusual enough, the Ben Pikua does not require Shechita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2384Chullin76- Translating Tzumas Hagidin- Which joint of the leg
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2385Chullin77- The status of the amniotic sac
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2386Chullin78- Not to Shecht parent and child on same day- What about father after Shkiya
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2387Chullin79- By animals, is the father related- Not all mules are created equal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2388Chullin80- If it is not considered Shechita, Rabbi Shimon holds that Oso Vies Bino does not apply
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2389Chullin81- Does Mother and Child apply if one Shechita does not produce Kosher meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2390Chullin82- They each bought the related animal today, from the same vendor or from different vendors
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2391Chullin83- Days of the year when mother- daughter animal disclosure is required- Shmini Atzeres is very dear and especially joyous
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2392Chullin84- Kisuy Hadam, The Mitzva to cover the blood- Meat consumption and money tips
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2393Chullin85- What is called a Kosher Shechita, for Kisuy Hadam, and for Oso Vies Bino
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2394Chullin86- Rabbi Chiya turns to Rebbe to help him solve his flax problem
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2395Chullin87- The fine for stealing a Bracha- Read the whole verse, please
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2396Chullin88- Defining dirt and what is comparable for Kisuy Hadam, covering the blood
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2397Chullin89- The merits of Avraham, ash and dirt, thread and shoe strap- Poroh Aduma, Sotah, Tzitzis and Teffilin, but not Kisuy Hadam
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2398Chullin90- Exaggerations and Expressions in Jewish literature- Up to the sky, 300, and 400
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2399Chullin91- Yakov's encounter with the angel- Living in the present to reach fulfillment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2400Chullin92- The thirty mitzvos that Binei Noach accepted to observe
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2401Chullin93- The prohibition of Gineivas Daas, not to be misleading
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2402Chullin94- Gineivas Daas, giving an unjustified impression
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2403Chullin95- Meat that was hidden from eyesight, Our world is what Hashem created when He hid Himself
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2404Chullin96- The deep cut for removing the Gid Hanoshe, He was taught by those who follow the other opinion
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2405Chullin97- When Kosher mixes with non-Kosher- The concept of tasting, and of 1 in 60
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2406Chullin98- The calculation of 1 to 60 ratio is done as the question is presented, even if there was absorption afterwards
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2407Chullin99- Precise measure of taste, Gid Hanoshe- I don't Pasken that way, but you do
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2408Chullin100- An honorable piece has significance and is not nullified
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2409Chullin101- When did the Mitzva of Gid Hanoshe start- Has taste applies even to a non-kosher animal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2410Chullin102- When does Eiver Min Hachay apply, to a Jew or non-Jew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2411Chullin103- The prohibition of milk and meat- Separation between people eating each type
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2412Chullin104- Is fowl like animal meat, in milk-meat, in vows
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2413Chullin105- How long to wait between meat and dairy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2414Chullin106- Handwashing before eating bread- It is a Mitzva to listen to the Sages
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2415Chullin107- What is the solution of covering hands if one cannot wash for bread
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2416Chullin108- A drop of milk fell on a piece of meat protruding from a stew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2417Chullin109- Udder considerations- The taste of milk and meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2418Chullin110- Rav felt it necessary to forbid the udder- Romi bar Tamri made good use of them on Erev Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2419Chullin111- Fish cooked in a meat utensil
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2420Chullin112- Salty imparts taste, means that it is very salty
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2421Chullin113- Breaking the neck can affect both Chishen Mishpat, financial, and Yoreh Deah, Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2422Chullin114- Dissecting a Kal Vachomer, milk of other kosher animals with meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2423Chullin115- Can I use a milk and meat mixture for the Chanuka Menora
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2424Chullin116- Making cheese, Is it a mixture of milk and meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2425Chullin117- The Tumah of food and the Tumah of a carcass
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2426Chullin118- Yad-Handle and Shomer-Guard in laws of Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2427Chullin119- Can hair be a Yad, or a Shomer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2428Chullin120- Is the dressing on a food considered food
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2429Chullin121- Different translations for the same word
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2430Chullin122- The prohibition regarding human skin after death
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2431Chullin123- At what point in the skinning process does the hide lose its connected status to the meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2432Chullin124- Two half portions of Niveila meat- Exploring the possibility of a copyist error
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2433Chullin125- The rule of the marrow bone in Tumah, punctured or not
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2434Chullin126- The Enigmatic Earthmouse and Techiyas Hameisim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2435Chullin127- How great is Hashem's creation- The toad and its species
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2436Chullin128- The liquid has to be introduced after it is viewed as a food
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2437Chullin129- The status of an amputated limb
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2438Chullin130- The gifts from a Kodashim animal are different than the gifts from Chullin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2439Chullin131- The gifts of a Chullin animal could be given to the daughter of a Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2440Chullin132- Bichor animal that got mixed with other animals
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2441Chullin133- The appropriate way for a Kohein to relate to the Kohein gifts
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2442Chullin134- Not exactly sure if the conversion took place before or after the dough was formed, does he give Challa
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2443Chullin135- The Mitzva of the first shearings
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2444Chullin136- Don't Paskin from the Mishna- The Bracha is said after Tevila, but could theoretically have been said before
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2445Chullin137- How do we know that Reishis Hageiz is specifically sheep's wool
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2446Chullin138- Shiluach Hakein, Sending away the mother bird- Insights into Taamei Hamitzvos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2447Chullin139- Shiluach Hakein by the bird that is Kodesh or the bird that killed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2448Chullin140- Shiluach Hakein, a bit about surrogate and parasitic birds
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2449Chullin141- The Mitzva of Shiluach Hakein still applies even by the Metzora's Mitzva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2450Chullin142- Techiyas Hameisim and Acher's mistake- Body and soul as the concluding thought of Meseches Chullin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2310Chullin2- Who can Shecht, how long a knife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2311Chullin3- The struggling Jew, How bad is his craving, How strong is his desire to do it right
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2312Chullin4- How could Yehoshafat eat from Achav_s meat, Part 1
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2313Chullin5- How could Yehoshafat eat from Achav_s meat, Part 2
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2314Chullin6- Rabbi Meir ruled about Kusim- Rabbi Meir ate in Beis Shian without tithing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2315Chullin7- Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair doesn_t want to be hosted- All is in Hashem_s control
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2316Chullin8- The sides of a recently Kashered knife- The knife from Avoda Zora- How hot is hot of Yad Soledes Bo
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2317Chullin9- Advice to a young Rabbi, How can I be of service
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2318Chullin10- I thought the knife was good, but now it has a nick
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2319Chullin11- Rov-Majority, and Chazaka-Retaining Status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Chulin 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Chulin 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman