Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Zechariah (04) Chapter 4 - The Menorah of Zechariah 06-10-20 Chanukah 57 min
Beshalach (15) Purim - The War with Amalek and Tznius of Esther Purim 59 min
Drinking on Purim Purim 47 min
Habakkuk (03) Chapter 2 - Melech Yechonya 02-12-20 Purim 57 min
Halacha (Purim 01) Purim 44 min
Halacha (Purim 02) The Laws of Reading the Megillah Purim 41 min
Hilchos Purim for Women 03-10-19 Purim 59 min
Megillas Esther Laining Purim 39 min
Megillas Esther Laining 5768 Purim 39 min
Pre Purim (Purim and Pesach) 5769 Purim 65 min
Pre Purim 5767 Purim 78 min
The Relationship of Modecai and Esther Purim 41 min
Wearing cothing of the opposite gender Purim 25 min
Vayakhel (03) The Mishkan and Shabbos Shabbos 55 min
Yisro (10) Sins of fathers - Third Dibra - kiddush Shabbos 52 min
Yisro (11) Definition of milacha - Who is Prohibited Shabbos 35 min
Hashkafa (01) Emor - Kiddush Hashem and Chilul Hashem 05-19-24 Machshava 41 min
Hashkafa (02) Lag Ba'Omer - R' Shimon Bar Yochai 05-26-24 Machshava 42 min
Hashkafa (03) Shavuos - What Kabalas haTorah Means, The Three Midos for Kabalas haTorah 06-02-24 Machshava 44 min
Hashkafa (04) Shavuos - Nevua of Moshe Rabbainu - The Two Plans for Matan Torah - Miriam's and Aharon's Mistake 06-09-24 Machshava 43 min
Hashkafa (05) Bihaaloscha - Arayos Immoral Relations 06-16-24 Machshava 48 min
Hashkafa (06) Bihaaloscha - Initiating the Leviim 06-23-24 Machshava 48 min
Hashkafa (07) Shelach - The logical argument in a tefilla 06-30-24 Machshava 43 min
Hashkafa (08) Chukas Balak - Amon and Moav tiharu biSichon 07-14-24 Machshava 44 min
Hashkafa (09) Mattos - Pinchas, Bilam, Midyan 07-28-24 Machshava 47 min