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Pesach - the three distinct parts of the Yom Tov 03-20-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 37 min
Pesach, Matzah, Maror 04-02-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 22 min
Pre Purim (Purim and Pesach) 5769 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 65 min
Pre Purim 5767 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 78 min
Pre Rosh HaShanah 5768 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Pre Rosh HaShanah 5769 Shmooze Rabbi Doniel Pransky 28 min
Pre Shavous 5768 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 7 min
Pre-Pesach (03) Joseph Egypt and The Golden Calf Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Pre-Pesach - Seder 03-04-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Pre-Pesach 5770 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Pre-Shavous 5769 Calculating the Date of the Holiday Rabbi Doniel Pransky 60 min
Pre-Shavous, Rus - Why Did Elimelech go to Moav Rabbi Doniel Pransky 82 min
Pre-Shavuos - Nevua of Moshe Rabbainu 05-06-13 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 33 min
Rus (01) Introduction - Line of King David Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Rus (02) Elimelech's Plan Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Rus (03) Ruth and Orpahs Choice - When did Rus Convert? Rabbi Doniel Pransky 61 min
Rus (04) Laws of Conversion - Returning to Bais Lechem Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Rus (05) Kindness of Boaz - Geula of Land - The Matchmaker Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Rus (06) Ch 3 Bloodline of David - Plan of Naomi - Gift of Boaz Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Rus (07) Ch 4 Establishing a Name for the Deceased - Moavi - Naomis Son Rabbi Doniel Pransky 69 min
Shavuos - Elisha haNavi, Balak, Rus and Chesed 05-28-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 45 min
Shemos (09) G-d Heard Their Cries Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Shemos (10) Pesach - The Seder Night Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Shiva Asr BTammuz 5774 (17th of Tammuz) 07-15-14 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 13 min
Shloshes Yimai Hagbalah The 3 Days Before Matan Torah Rabbi Doniel Pransky 62 min