
Speaker Filter Box:
Parshas Chayei Sara- Kiddushei Kesef Rabbi Moshe Radner 39 min
Parshas Ki Sisa - Bassur V'cholov Rabbi Moshe Radner 37 min
Parshas Lech Lecha- Mila- Mitzvah Aseh Sh'hazman Grama Rabbi Moshe Radner 40 min
Parshas Pekudei - Bassur Vcholov, Maares Ayin Rabbi Moshe Radner 43 min
Parshas Tetzavah - Yadayim Sh'ain Mochichus Rabbi Moshe Radner 43 min
Parshas Toldos- Makneh Davar Shelo Bo L'olom Rabbi Moshe Radner 47 min
Parshas Tzav - Women's Obligation In Megillah Rabbi Moshe Radner 38 min
Parshas Vayechi- Mitzvah L'kayim Divrey Hames Rabbi Moshe Radner 52 min
Parshas Vayeitzey- Kibud Av V'aim vs Talmud Torah Rabbi Moshe Radner 45 min
Parshas Vayeshev- Machlokes Yosef and The Shevatim Rabbi Moshe Radner 36 min
Parshas Vayikra - Heker Between Milchigs And Fleishigs and Waiting Between The Two Rabbi Moshe Radner 44 min
Parshas Vayishlach- Gid Hanasheh Rabbi Moshe Radner 40 min
Parshas Yisro Sakanas Nefashos Docheh Shabbos Rabbi Moshe Radner 46 min
Shemini - Yoreh Deah Siman 99 Bassur V'cholov (continued) Rabbi Moshe Radner 41 min
Terumah - Sofek Matnas Aniyim Rabbi Moshe Radner 47 min
Vayeira- Zrizim Makdimin L'mitzvos Rabbi Moshe Radner 39 min
01 Bamidbar Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 29 min
01 Breishes Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 39 min
01 Devorim Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 33 min
01 Shemos Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 28 min
01 Vayikra Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 47 min
02 Bamidbar Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 30 min
02 Breishes Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 47 min
02 Devorim Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 58 min
02 shemos Rabbi Dovid Regensberg 27 min