
Speaker Filter Box:
Ma'asei - The taking of innocent lives Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 84 min
Ma'asei - The value of human life from the Torah viewpoint Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 78 min
Ma'asei 1981 - Untitled Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 72 min
Matos - "Avenge the vengeance of Yisrael against the Midyanim." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 85 min
Matos - How precious are words Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 85 min
Matos - Oaths and vows of the upright Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 73 min
Matos - The definition of truth Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 68 min
Matos 1981 - Untitled Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Matos-Ma'asei - "And the children of Reuven and the children of Gad had great herds of cattle." The pursuit of wealth Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 74 min
Matos-Ma'asei - "One who takes vows to prohibit from himself that which is permitted, is as if he has built a private altar." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 78 min
Matos-Ma'asei - "Whoever becomes angry, if he is wise, his wisdom will be lost..." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 73 min
Matos-Ma'asei - A person should always speak a refined, pure, and clean language Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 64 min
Matos-Ma'asei - And the sons of Reuven and Gad possessed mighty herds of cattle and sheep - The pursuit of wealth Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 64 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Anger Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 80 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Anger: to lose control of oneself Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 66 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Because Moshe became angry, he erred Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 68 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Because Moshe became angry, he erred Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 68 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Is talk really cheap? A Torah perspective Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Is talk really cheap? A Torah perspective Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Murder and violence Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 60 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Speech Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 59 min
Matos-Ma'asei - The 48 attributes necessary for the acquisition of Torah ( 2nd of a series): An explanation of the second 10 attributes. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 67 min
Matos-Ma'asei - The pursuit of material wealth Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 76 min
Matos-Ma'asei - The quality of truth Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 62 min
Matos-Ma'asei - Violence Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 71 min